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If you would UNBLOCK the access between our accounts it would be nice. You blocked me for no reason when I attempted to bring forward your awareness of a patient's account of a DOCTOR's visit. It would be nice and helpful if you UNBLOCK those actions against me. None of these efforts reflected and linked below would have had to be generated. Since you BLOCKED my access to be able to resolve an issue of great concern, I have put my account and plea for help directed to JMIR Support [ Journal of Medical Internet Research ] which mentions the #HugeFail that happened in the doctor Monday, Nov 22 2021 with the waiting room enabled video media of PatientPoint and the message that was given to me: "Doctor Wants To Know The Whole You" She cut off the discussion and would not read the documentation that I brought from the National Institutes of Health on the subject of gangstalking. Your PaitentPoint interface failed. The whole me includes that I am a targeted individual of gangstalking. Recent National Institutes of Health on gangstalking published by the JMIR should be considered as well. Why does civil society BLOCK these topics instead of responding to a response of responsibility? NIH Publication: JMIR Ment Health. 2021 Oct; 8(10): e30311. Published online 2021 Oct 21. doi: 10.2196/30311 PMCID: PMC8569537 PMID: 34673523 Social Semiotics of Gangstalking Evidence Videos on YouTube: Multimodal Discourse Analysis of a Novel Persecutory Belief System Monitoring Editor: Gunther Eysenbach Reviewed by Shahzad Ashraf Andrew Lustig, MD, MSc,corresponding author#1 Gavin Brookes, PhD,#2 and Daniel Hunt, PhD#3 Background Background Gangstalking refers to a novel persecutory belief system wherein sufferers believe that they are being followed, watched, and harassed by a vast network of people in their community who have been recruited as complicit perpetrators. They are frequently diagnosed as mentally ill, although they reject this formulation. Those affected by this belief system self-identify as targeted individuals (TIs). They seek to prove the veracity of their persecution and dispute the notion that they are mentally ill by posting videos online that purport to provide evidence of their claims. Conclusions These data provide insight into a novel persecutory belief system. Interpersonal concerns are important for people affected, and they construe others as either sympathetic or hostile. They create positive ambient affiliation with viewers. We found that vloggers use multimodal deixis to illustrate the salience of the belief system. The videos highlighted the Derridean concept of différance, wherein the meaning of polysemous signifiers is deferred without definitive resolution. This may be important in communicating with people and patients with persecutory belief systems. Clinicians may consider stepping away from the traditional true/false dichotomy endorsed by psychiatric classification systems and focus on the ambiguity in semiotic systems generally and in persecutory belief systems specifically. Audios: To PatientPoint [ ] 911Directed-PointOfCare-Emergency.ogg PatientPoint-ShoeFlyDontBotherMe-GoFuckOffandDie.ogg To JMIR Support: Gangstalking-I-need-a-serious-community-intervention.ogg 2021-11-26 23:59 14M: HelpMePlease-IAmOnAPathwayToMyDeath.ogg 2021-11-27 09:22 2.1M :
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